How AutoTempest Works

All the cars. One Search.
We aggregate millions of listings from dealers and private sellers, showing all the results for your search from each of our listings partners. We also generate comparison links for the remaining large sites we don't yet have partnerships with. Our goal is to capture all the results in single search, to save you time and help you find your ideal next car.

We're not partnered with craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or Autotrader, but to save you time, we also link to their results matching your search.
Just the cars you want.
We're constantly developing AutoTempest and working with partners to provide accurate and detailed information in our search results. We support extensive search filtering for attributes from fuel type to interior color, so you can find the best prices for the vehicles you're interested in without wading through ones you don't want, whether you cast your net locally or across the country.

Browse your results
Millions of results at your fingertips.
AutoTempest provides millions of listings from a variety of sources. Browse them by source, or all in a single list, with all the sorting options you'd expect.

Even more results just a link away.
For other sites we don't have partnerships with, we go ahead and generate links to results that match your search criteria. Browse and compare matching results from these sites in a single click. Sometimes other sites don't support all AutoTempest search features, in which case we'll give you a heads-up in advance!
Search on any device.
AutoTempest works well in your browser - on any device, or as an app for iOS or Android. This means you get the full power of AutoTempest on your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop.

FAQ/Search Tips
Car Buying Advice Guides
What Car Should I Buy?
This guide will show you how to find the right car for you and give you a couple tools that will help you make that decision.
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6 Things to Remember When Negotiating a Car Purchase
This in-depth guide will give you the skills you need in negotiating a car price down to what you need it to be.
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